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Here you will find details of my books, a selection of articles, my monthly journal and various pages of interest.

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Welcome to my web site.

Here you will find details of my books, a selection of articles, my monthly journal and various pages of interest.

You can contact me via the links at the top or bottom of the page - browse and enjoy…
" Powerful stories that recreate the history of the past while bringing the supernatural to life. "
Click on the book
of your choice.
Jan Christopher Series
Sea Witch Series
Pendragon's Banner Trilogy
Saxon Series
Contributions & Collaborations
drawer UK
Episode One
"A Mirror Murder"
… needs looking into.
drawer UK
Episode Two
"A Mystery of Murder"
… requires investigation.
drawer UK
Episode Three
"A Mistake of Murder"
… rings a bell.
drawer UK
Episode Four
"A Meadow Murder"
… delivers a haymaker.
drawer UK
Episode Five
"A Memory of Murder"
… triggers some thoughts.
Series prequal
"When the Mermaid Sings"
Book One
"Sea Witch"
Book Two
"Pirate Code"
Book Three
"Bring It Close"
Book Four
"Ripples in the Sand"
Book Five
"On The Account"
Book Six
"Gallows Wake"
…is now available.
Book One
"The Kingmaking"
(UK edition)
Book Two
"Pendragon's Banner"
(UK edition)
Book Three
"Shadow of the King"
(UK edition)
Book One
"The Kingmaking"
(US edition)
Book Two
"Pendragon's Banner"
(US edition)
Book Three
"Shadow of the King"
(US edition)
"Pirates: Truth & Tales"
Historical interest
"The Life of a Smuggler"
Historical interest
"Ghost Encounters"
Historical interest
Book One
"Harold the King"
(UK edition)
Book Two
"A Hollow Crown"
(UK edition)
Book One
"The Chosen King"
(US edition)
Book Two
"The Forever Queen"
(US edition)
"1066 Turned Upside Down"
Saxon era related tales
 "The North Finchley Writers Group"
… is getting good reviews
 "Stories of Betrayal"
Twelve authors, a dozen
acts of perfidy
 "Stories of Exile"
Thirteen authors, penning tales
which are not to be missed

A new series of quick-read, cosy mysteries set in the 1970s.

Library assistant Jan Christopher meets Detective Constable Laurie Walker. Love is in the air, interrupted by the occasional outbreak of mayhem.

Pirate-based adventure fantasy for readers who like a good sailor's yarn.

Come and meet Captain Jesamiah Acorne and his woman - the White Witch, Tiola Oldstagh.

King Arthur - the story as it might have really happened.

The Boy, who became the Man, who became the King, who became the LEGEND.

1066 - the Battle of Hastings from the English point of view.

Turbulent times in Saxon England.

When it comes to Pirates and Smugglers…

What are the facts behind the fantasy?

Some ghosts of North Devon. Are you brave enough to read about them?

Miscellaneous Works

Authorship 101. Want to become an author? Let Helen and Jo Field help you find the path.

Alternative "What-if" views on the Battle of Hastings era.

Misplaced trust, power hunger, emotional blackmail, and greed haunt twelve characters from post-Roman Britain to the present day.

An historical fiction anthology, based upon the theme of exile.

With Richard Tearle. A light-hearted tour of suburbia, through the eyes of a wanna-be author.
Quote of the Month

"Not a lot of people know that…"

Reflections: Good books, good reads
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