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Talking of hibernation. I thought squirrels tucked themselves away for the colder days? Obviously the two in my back garden have not read the right nature manual. Okay, I know they are technically furry rats with tails, but I like my squirrelly squiggles. They are fun. I put nuts out for them on a shelf beside my office window and they jump across from the fence. I can even feed them by hand if I go out quietly with a tempting hazelnut.
I just had to laugh yesterday though! I'd taken Rum the dog for his morning walk in Epping Forest, come home and done all the boring chores, then sat down at my desk with a cup of coffee and a couple of digestive biscuits. The squirrels were doing their squirrelly thing outside, so I opened the window and left a piece of biscuit on the shelf. It was duly pounced on and appreciated. Ten minutes later, having finally got down to doing some work, I looked up and there was Squiggy on his hind paws, standing up at my window peering pathetically in at me. I fell for it of course. I got him/her another biscuit. Does anyone know how you tell a Mr from a Mrs/Ms Squirrel by the way?
The birds are also doing well. My gang of yobbo sparrows has made it through the bad weather, as well as the robin and the blackbirds and the collared doves.
We had a panic with the fishpond because the pump which keeps the water clean packed up, but it did not take long to get a new one, so the fish are fine, all happily 'hibernating' on the bottom. Now all I want to complete the countryside effect is a couple of hedgehogs in the garden.
I could also do with a return to normal brain-function. I'm assuming the extra do-lally-ness I am presently experiencing is an accumulation of the residue of December's unpleasant events. If not, I must have senile dementia setting in. Yesterday I was driving along a road I have known for over 50 years, but suddenly had no idea where I was. And today, my husband received a letter from our bank sending condolences for the death of his wife. I telephoned to tell them in no uncertain terms that I am still very much alive - only to find our bank account had been suspended and was quite a bit of money short. Cross was not the word. I then discovered that I had sent a letter to my Mum's account, at the same bank, to pay the funeral bill. Only I had managed to insert my own account number and not hers. So the bank had assumed Mrs Hollick had passed away and had paid the bill from our account.
In my defence, the bank should have realised the account number did not match any of the other details of my mother's name, her address etc, and they had most definitely not been notified of my demise. Everything was easily sorted out, but I am now wondering what other stupid things I have inadvertently managed to do these last few weeks. Do let me know if you spot anything!
Add to all this I have been doing a massive re-edit of A Hollow Crown which is to be published in the USA and Canada in November of this year as Forever Queen. I needed to cut it by about 46,000 words. Gulp. At first I was reluctant and had no confidence, or even inclination, to do so. But on the advice of a very good author friend, who truthfully told me there was a great book trying to get out of a good book and I should welcome the chance to set it free, I plunged in.
Reading through, I realise that A Hollow Crown was not given the final polish by my old, previous, publisher that it should have had. There are so many unprofessional errors that a good editor would have picked up, and indeed, that I should have noticed. Things like duplicated words and phrases, rambling paragraphs, repeated information, Point of View changes and 'head hopping' from one character to another.
Maybe I am now a more experienced a writer, or just more confident in myself? For whatever reason, the Big Edit is proving most enjoyable, although extremely hard work.
My worry now though, given my present deranged brain-scrambling, is that maybe the chapters I have been blythely deleting were, in fact, important to the story. Oh well, that is what editors are for. Sorry Sara at Sourcebooks Inc, I hope I'm not going to be sending you back something that is even more gibberish than it was in the first place!
Hmm, maybe I'll go wrestle alligators as a new career move. Writing is the hardest way to earn a living; with the possible exception of wrestling alligators.You will be pleased to learn that I have been working hard. The Great Edit is more or less completed, apart from my US editor Sara having another read-through, a few last minute twiddles and the final copy-edit etc. Thank you to Jo Field, my UK freelance editor who scrutinized the opening few chapters for me. Best wishes and Bright Blessings for your house move this month Jo. The lucky lady has bought a beautiful old house overlooking the Devon coast where, in the Sea Witch Series, Jesamiah was born - but you will have to wait for me to write Ripples In The Sand to find out more about that part of Captain Acorne's past.
I was dismayed at the errors in A Hollow Crown, but have now done my best to give the final polish the book deserves. It is due to be published in the USA and Canada in November 2010 under the title of Forever Queen - hopefully I might have the new cover to show you next month.
Meanwhile, I am trying to convince Arrow Books to re-print the updated version. Sadly, I am not having much success. Can anyone tell me the logic of today's publishing houses? A Hollow Crown is almost out of print in the UK, less than 100 copies remain in stock. In future they will only be produced via Print On Demand, a more environmentally friendly way of publishing books as there will be no storage needed, but would you not think that Random House would welcome the offer of the new file and take the opportunity to produce a novel that is better, tighter, and 40,000 words shorter? I appreciate the file they possess will have to be re-formatted, but with modern technology is that a difficult or expensive process? And the saving of something like 140 fewer pages on the present book has surely got to be worth it. Apparently not.
For my books in North America, the beginning of March sees the publication of Shadow of the King, the final volume in my Pendragon's Banner Trilogy. These editions are doing very well indeed. A big thank you to the many fans who have contacted me to say how much they love them - I am truly flattered and overwhelmed by the amount of positive feedback. I have always known my Trilogy would be a success, it's just a pity I've had to wait all these years for them to be so beautifully produced and efficiently marketed. Thank you to everyone at Sourcebooks Inc. for your enthusiasm and support.
Here's a taster review: "Because Hollick adds her own unique twists and turns to the familiar mythology, Arthurian devotees will be eager to see how she wraps up her version of the legend." - Margaret Flanagan, Booklist. The full review will run in the March 15 2010 issue.
My appreciation also to all of you who kindly voted for Shadow in a recent blog poll. I wasn't the winner, but my status as an author was not compromised!
I have a Muse and Views blog site that I am in the process of building. It could do with some more followers and added comments please. Around the middle of each month I will post my views or musings, and welcome any feedback and comments. Nothing is meant to be taken seriously, I might add, this is just a place for me to share my thoughts and ideas with people who are interested in my books, or writing in general. If I eventually gain enough followers and interest I might make my additions weekly. We shall see.
The present "view" concerns King Arthur. Why not hop across after reading this journal entry and have a look.
As for my pirate captain Jesamiah, he is collecting new fans by the boat-load. How's this from one of his recent followers? "I fell in love with Jesamiah from the first chapter and continued to fall throughout the entire book. What an amazing, complex character!" And this: "Just a quick line to let you know I not only fell in love with Jesamiah but Tiola too... wasn't expecting that! What a rogue that pirate is!"
Ron and I had a lovely weekend at the start of the month with our good friends Towse and Graham and Bronwen Harrison, singer, songwriter and all round fantastic artiste. Bronwen is the voice behind the music on the 1066 Myspace site, and has written a fantastic song for the movie in conjunction with harpist Sue Rothstein. Can't share it with you yet, but I can most certainly direct you to Broni's Guesswork site. The wedding dress worn by the bride in the Gathering Dust track, by the way, was mine.
Bronwen's talent, like so many struggling musicians, is not being recognised. As with new authors, just how do creative people get noticed? We do this silly job of writing books or songs because it is an urge inside us that we cannot set aside. All we want is for our work to be published so we can share it with others who will appreciate our gift. Unfortunately, business and money-making takes precedence over the darn good read or listen. Only politicians, cooks, footballers and 20-something celebrities seem to get into print at the drop of a million-pound contract.
I hear there is now a proposal to make a movie of Jade Goody's life. While it is very sad that someone so young should die of cervical cancer - what life? She was 27. Do we really need such a movie? {long sigh...} And, in case you are wondering, yes the 1066 movie is still on track, we're getting there financially.
February was rounded off nicely by having a delightful lunch with author Suzanne McLeod in a London pub near Leicester Square. As she says herself, she writes books about dangerous faeries, seductive vampires, bureaucratic witches, eccentric goblins, rock-solid trolls, magic, mayhem and murder. We had a great time talking pirates, vampires, fantasy fiction and writing in general. The lunch was good too!
I had to arrange for valuation of the property and find a suitable estate agent. Letters to write regarding her telephone, electricity, council tax bills: more letters in reply to the first lot of letters written.
Somehow in between sorting all that I have tried to keep writing, but it has not been easy. I have, however, been busily researching the Jacobite Rebellion of 1719 and am, I assure you, making slow progress forward. I think I can divulge a short synopsis for Ripples In The Sand. Jesamiah has brought the Sea Witch to harbour at Appledore in Devon with a cargo of tobacco to sell (legally) and brandy (illegally). He gets involved with smugglers and Jacobite rebels which, of course, lands him in trouble. Meanwhile, Tiola is unwell. She has to find the source of what is draining her energy, and discovers that the elemental Sea Spirit, Tethys is behind her debilitation. In consequence, Tiola must face her fears and great danger by regressing into her past, where she hopes to find the answers to many questions; notably, why is Tethys so obsessed with Jesamiah?
Also, as a taster, the next in the series will be On The Account, where Jesamiah meets up with a mysterious foreign stranger in search of a valuable casket and discovers more about the Sea Witch herself. Well, that’s enough giving secrets away.
A few side-track addictions have also knocked writing concentration on the head. Twitter and a Webcam to Colonial Williamsburg to be precise. I love Twitter, it is quite a challenge to say all I want in the required limitation of 140 characters, and some of the other tweets are hilarious, others, very useful.
I found a particularly good link to a blog site about editing. If you are a new writer or have still not grasped the Big Picture of editing I suggest you have a quick read. The response to a comment by a guy called Jason Black explains clearly and concisely what editing is actually all about. One of the best analogies I have ever come across.
The Williamsburg webcam is situated near the Capitol Building – which features in Bring It Close, for in Jesamiah’s time this also housed the Court Room. The camera view is Duke Of Gloucester Street – known to the locals as DOG Street. To the left of the camera is a white building which is Shield’s Tavern, haunted by an ex-1700’s proprietor, and to the right the recently completed Coffee House. Mark this building well, for it will appear in On The Account as Alicia’s new establishment. Ah, that’s another secret slipped out.
I looked at the webcam just now and there were hundreds of people gathered near the camera. My goodness, is it a public hanging? Get out Jesamiah! Run!!!
A quick check back: phew, they’ve all gone. Of course, now I'm curious to know, to where have they gone? Darn, I should have kept watching.
My “Muse and Views” blog which I mentioned last month is gaining attraction at last. For the next View or Muse I intend to either chat about book covers or the stereotypical woman in historical novels. Not sure which yet, so you will have to visit the blog around the 16th of the month to find out.
I have also been busy with my recent garden addition, a greenhouse. I have always fancied one but the old garden at our previous home was way too small, so coming into a modest inheritance from Mum’s estate has meant we can now afford a few luxuries. The greenhouse took priority as it is spring and time to get the veg a-growing. The one we bought is 6’5” by 6’7” and came as a flat-pack self-assembly. Trouble is, my husband is dyslexic and is not very good at reading instruction booklets. It should have taken an afternoon to assemble. A week later, after having to take down most of what he had put together because he’d done it in the wrong order, it is finally finished. Not too many plants got flattened in the process and the dog got trodden on only twice. Although the greenhouse is a touch lopsided, it matches the wonky shed and the crooked fence.
Now I have an added excuse for not writing because I will be gardening. I’m looking forward to sitting out there in the summer. Regardless of the weather I can be tucked in my greenhouse, surrounded by an abundance of salads, vegetables and colourful flowers working busily on my trusty lap top, enjoying a glass or two of wine.
I assure you the wine is to aid my writing - it is to lubricate the imagination.
It is not another distraction… hic… Life is short. Drink the good wine firstI've been re-reading the hard copy (technical term for a printed-out version) last edit of A Hollow Crown - which will be entitled Forever Queen in the USA. I'd set it aside after the mammoth re-edit of a couple of months ago so it could be re-read with a fresh eye. I'm quite pleased as there are only a few minor errors and alterations- not bad when you consider over 40,000 words were edited out. I have also taken advantage of the nice weather and have been sitting in the garden to do the reading. Lousy job this writing career.
There is a blackbird who sits in one of the trees singing beautifully, but every so often he comes out with a perfect mimic of a modern "trim" telephone ring. There was recently an article on BBC Radio 4 about bird song; more and more birds are mimicking mobile phones, alarms, sirens etc. And they sing in regional dialects. Recordings have been made and slowed down so that all of the sound spectrum can be heard - normally not audible to the human ear. A wren outside my bedroom window is always the first to start up the dawn chorus. The littlest bird with the loudest song. Presumably with a cockney London accent or an Essex Chav?
My various blog sites seem to be attracting a few passers-by at last, although more followers would be nice (hint). The "Muse and Views" is enjoyable to write and I have added a new Blog 'Ladies, Gentlemen & Others' - which fictional characters inspired you? This month, female characters. Next month the men. and yes you guessed it, following that will be "others". I try to update the blogs around the middle of the month - unlike this journal which is always updated on the 1st.
Kathy has been competing side saddle on Ace - you will find some pictures on her own blog Springwillow Equestrian which includes her monthly side saddle diary that she is writing for Hooked On Horses Magazine.
I had hoped to have some news from my UK publishers to share with you, but as I go to press with this edition of my Journal we are not quite ready to "go pubic" so I will talk about plans and ideas in detail next month. Suffice to say, future prospects are looking very exciting for my books and I have found it difficult to keep quiet! One thing can be revealed however; new, fabulous, covers for the Sea Witch Series. Watch this space folks!
We went to see Riverdance on Thursday 29th April at the Apollo Theatre Hammersmith,, we being myself, Kathy and Ron. There was not much I can say except it was absolutely fantastic. I am now going to be mercilessly ribbed by Kathy who already teases me because I cry during specific movies - the end of Last of The Mohicans, for instance. Every time, tears roll down my face. There's a new one now; I cried during Riverdance. The opening sequence, the rhythm, the emotion, it caught my soul and awakened the echoes of my deep past. My throat tightened as that basic drum and foot-tapped beat stirred the distant shadows of passed-on DNA genes, and tears fell. A deep, almost primordial feeling, a brief, loving connection with the people who were my great, great, great (how many time over?) grandparents, my ancestors.
OK I'm a ninny.
One advantage of receiving my "inheritance" from Mum is that I now have a little extra money to have the cataract in my left eye seen to via private healthcare. Early days yet, I have a lot to think about. Apparently a false lens can be fitted which will partially sort my extreme short-sighted problem. It would be wonderful to see things without the need of glasses or contact lens, but I understand there are drawbacks to the opertaion so I will have to take advice and have a good think. I have always been extremely short sighted; when starting school the teachers had a word with my mother suggesting I needed an eye test. I had no idea the world was not a permanent out-of-focus fog. When told I desperately needed glasses Mum remarked "Maybe that is why she is always falling up the kerb and dropping things." Yes, maybe it was. Mind you, even with contact lenses I still can't remember people's faces.
I am assuming that bird singing is a blackbird? Where are the binoculars.
Grant me the ability to forget people I don't like, the fortune to meet those I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.
I have submitted the synopsis for my next serious historical novel to my UK & US publishers, having finally managed to feel comfortable with the idea of writing a follow-up to Harold the King. Until now I have balked at the prospect because I do not want to write about that awful man William of Normandy again. However, I’ve found a different story to tell which will cover the period of the 11th Century nicely. Been toying with the idea for a while anyway, then being forced to sit down and write a general albeit rough sketch made me do some preliminary research, and that 'got the little grey cells working', to quote Agatha Christie’s Poirot.
I am going to write Hereward’s story, the working title being The Lost Kingdom, which is the sub-title tag line for the US edition of my Saxon novels. The general basis will be rebellion against William. Now that I can do! The novel will overlap A Hollow Crown - to be titled Forever Queen in the US - and Harold the King. If you have no idea who Hereward was, take a look at the article on my Muse & Views Blog.
The bad news, do not expect the book until some time in 2012.
Jesamiah fans need not worry; Ripples In The Sand is making progress, and if I can I will get On The Account, Voyage Five in the series, completed before I start with Hereward. And after that, the sixth Jesamiah story, Gallows Wake, and then maybe a serious historical nautical novel based on the life of William Dampier. You would have met him, briefly, in Sea Witch. I quite fancy writing his story. An extraordinary man, he took notes from the Galapagos Islands a century before Darwin, worked out the sea flow of various streams, such as the Gulf Stream, sailed around the world about four times and charted much of north west Australia – only he assumed he was looking at some small islands. I shall enjoy researching him in more detail. So that’s my writing time taken care of for the next decade.
I have also had an exciting time working with a fantastic Graphics Artist, Cathy Helms, from North Carolina. Cat has designed new covers for the Sea Witch Series - they are stunning, and will be revealed on the home page of my main website on 1st July 2010. We are also working on new covers for the Pendragon’s Banner Trilogy. I am hoping they will be ready for a 1st of July launch as well.
There are one or two other things in the pipe-line for July, but the plans are not finalised yet so I’m going to tease you by saying you will have to wait for next month to discover why July promises to be exciting.
One of the things I’m looking forward to this month (no pun intended) is to have the cataract in my left eye sorted out. With luck, by the time I write the next journal entry I may not be peering through a misted fog, but seeing things clear and bright. Keep everything crossed for me.
Sad news came my way towards the end of May; two dear friends lost their beloved pets, a dog and a cat. I don’t know what I would do without Rum to walk with through the woods of a morning, or the two cats, Kitty and Scrabble, to be here as companions. As a family we have lost more than out fair share of animals, including several horses over the past few years. Animals touch our lives so briefly, but so very, very deeply. I hope there is a heaven for animals. If there isn’t then it is not much of a place, for a life without a faithful pet is not a life at all.
Another venture I am pursuing is a journey into the past. I have decided to have a DNA Ancestry search. According to Oxford Ancestors.com, “A person’s maternal ancestry is traced by mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA for short. Both men and women possess mtDNA, but only women pass it on to their children. Your mother inherited it from her mother, who inherited it from hers, and so on back through time. Therefore, mtDNA traces an unbroken maternal line back through time for generation upon generation.”
For my money I should get an exact readout of my DNA sequence and discover to which of the ancient 'clans' I belong, and from which ancestral mother I am descended. In the European Timeline there are seven major Clan Mother groups from which most Europeans are descended. Everyone in the same ‘clan’ is a direct maternal descendant of one of the ‘clan mothers’ and carries her DNA within every cell of the body: mtDNA helps cells use oxygen – so I am using my clan mother’s mtDNA every time I breathe. The clan mothers had ancestors themselves, and their genealogies show how everyone alive today can trace their maternal ancestry back to just one woman. She lived in Africa around 150,000 to 200,000 years ago and is known as “Mitochondrial Eve.” Has anyone written a novel about her, I wonder?
I find it fascinating to be able to stretch back through time and touch the DNA soul of the mother of mothers. Mind you, I’ll not be best pleased if I discover I am descended from Norman stock! Watch this space for the result, it will probably be in the August 2010 Journal.
So why have I acquired new covers? Well, from 1st July 2010 my books will be published by CallioPress, a new independent UK publishing house. CallioPress is to replace what was Discovered Authors, and will hopefully embrace a new start with promising opportunities at home here in the UK and overseas.
Like many small companies DA experienced problems of various sorts, some of which did become confusing and frustrating for their authors and their staff - but I must balance things here: I have not heard from any self published author, from any company, who has been 100% delighted with service received. Most "independent" authors have something to grumble about or a disappointment of one thing or another to air; be it the expense, production, sales, marketing, late receipt of books, too many missed typing errors or difficulties with distribution etc.
Publishing problems whether self publish or mainstream seem to be a common experience and, sadly, almost the norm. From the variety of mainstream companies I have been with over the years I have received late payments of royalties, books that have been printed incorrectly and promises that never materialised. My e-mails to companies with a large staff base have gone unanswered. Staff have changed without any notification to me, which possibly is not always important, but when it is an author manager/editor with whom I have established a close working relationship, this is annoying. I had four editors in five years at one publisher - one of them I never even met. By comparison then. small independents actually manage quite well! Fortunately my present US mainstream publisher, Sourcebooks Inc, seems fine with only minor hiccups - the wrong chapter heading dates appeared in Pendragon's Banner for instance. The "downside" of having your books with a larger publishing house is that the author loses control of how the novel is produced - cover design, format and even the title is their choice, not the author's, so huzzah for small independents where there is more control over the finished product. I am pleased that the prospect for new beginnings, with all sorts of interesting plans is on the horizon for my books. I warmly wish CallioPress a highly successful future.
For myself June was also hectic. I had eye surgery on my left eye for the removal of a cataract. The operation was fine, but after a few days I became bitterly disappointed as the replacement implant lens was obviously an incorrect focus. I was devastated that, apart from seeing colours brighter and whites whiter, my sight was no better than before. It turns out my eyes are a rare and unusual shape, so the calculations were a fraction out. All fine and dandy - but I now have to undergo surgery again. Once the left eye is sorted I will think about getting the right eye done. My thanks to Heather Utteridge and Paula Mildenhall for their advice and support.
Meanwhile I am supposed to be getting Ripples In The Sand finished before September (!) Cathy already has the brief for the cover. I want to start researching the follow-up to Harold the King and there are book functions to attend and things for 1066 The Movie to complete.
The garden is looking somewhat "rustic". My husband, Ron, says I should be more truthful. Okay, overgrown. It was not so rampant back then. Sadly a fox managed to get into Ron's pigeon loft a few weeks ago and killed fifteen of his best racing pigeons, including most of the young birds. Foxes leave such destruction behind them.
Kathy is doing well with her side-saddle riding. We are looking forward to her competing at the Royal International Horse Show, at Hickstead, Sussex on the first day of August. She is to enter the historical costume class. The final judging takes place in the International arena; all the years we have attended Hickstead, either as spectators or competitors, she has never ridden in that beautifully-kept main arena with its permanent features such as the famous Derby Bank, the Devil's Dyke, stone walls, hedges, ditches and water-jumps intermingled with natural features such as a small lake and the lovely silver birch trees. But now she has her chance. I just hope Ace behaves - let's wish her luck! Kathy could do with a few more followers for her blogsite Springwillow Equestrian, where you will find photographs of her and the horses.
It is a hot and sticky evening here in London, very airless and humid. At least the four parties nearby have quietened down. I am writing this on the day England went out of the World Cup. Have to say, I am sick of football. I will light my citronella candles to keep the voracious midges at bay, and get another chapter of Ripples completed before I go to bed.
The second toy I have treated myself to is a Kindle. Like it or not, technology is the next thing. How many of us couldn’t see the point of the Internet when it first appeared? I remember saying to my webmaster – rather scornfully I might add – “Why would I want to turn my computer on to look for a restaurant, when I can simply look in the Yellow Pages directory?” Ah, the words of the ignorant! What would we do without the ‘Net now?
My Kindle is small, light, and easy to use. In fact the most difficult thing was attaching the leather-look cover that I bought as an extra. I had already downloaded, or is it uploaded, some novels before it arrived, so I could start reading straight away. {Webmaster, rolling eyes skywards - It's "Downloaded"}
I had assumed you obtained books via a computer, but the Kindle works from WiFi, so everything is transferred just as if you were receiving text on a mobile cell phone.
There are hundreds of books on Amazon for free. Mostly classics but quite a few additional interesting items. I can look forward to reading Dracula, Three Men In A Boat, Cranford and Tom Jones. I also found the Journal of Captain Cook. New books, of course, have to be purchased – and hopefully all of my novels will soon be on Kindle.
It looks a good gadget and will be a lot easier to use when travelling. No more carting heavy books around, but I don’t think it will fully replace the book. The feel of a book is something special, and special books on a shelf are treasured friends. A Kindle is nothing more than a flat piece of useful plastic. It will have its uses as an addition to best books worth keeping, and if it gets youngsters reading then I’m all for it.
Cathy Helms from Avalon Graphics and I had great fun putting the YouTube video trailer together for The Forever Queen. The difficulty was finding the right images to use. We wanted some words of text that would explain the story – young girl, Emma; lonely, afraid; loveless marriage and joyless motherhood etc and I think we’ve not done too bad a job for our first try. My Kathy looks lovely posing as Emma. It was a very cold and windy day when we took the photographs, but the way Kathy’s hair is blowing about added to the drama of the image.
The Forever Queen is now available in the USA, on line from Amazon.com or in stock at most Barnes and Noble stores. Look out for my tour of various blogs. Details will be on my Facebook and Twitter pages, and my own blog. You will find these links on my Home Page
I had a great time at Battle in Sussex signing books last month, and I met some lovely people, Paula and Daphne among them. The following weekend found me at the New Writer’s book fair in Nottingham where I met more fabulous people.
Thank you to John Baird’s Mum and Dad for a superb dinner and my apologies to Paula Newcombe, author of Second Sight. I knew perfectly well who you were Paula, I just couldn’t remember your name. Please don’t take it personally, it was one of those ’senior moment’ weekends.
All this jaunting about and playing with new toys has disrupted the work I am supposed to be doing, and I’m afraid Ripples In The Sand has been on hold for several weeks. Re-reading the final version of Forever Queen and also editing I Am The Chosen King (US edition of Harold the King) has meant that I couldn’t concentrate on writing as well. The editing had to take precedence. Still, its finished now, so Jesamiah here I come.
And I think with my tendency for an exuberance of comma-itis my editor, Jo, will give a wry smile of relief at the quote I’ve put at the top of this journal entry!
The older I grow, the less important the comma becomes. Let the reader catch his own breath.