You can tell a book by it's cover - the cover art is a reflection of the story inside.
It must be eye-catching, attractive, and interesting. Among my past editions there are some covers I like, others I do not. My present UK covers are designed by Avalon Graphics, but here is a selection of the previous editions cover art.
Vine Vine
First edition William Heinemann Artwork by Chris Collingwood.
Heinemann decided not to continue with this artwork for the Arrow Paperback or further editions. I possess the original painting. The accurate detail is stunning.
~ Pendragon's Banner Trilogy
    The Kingmaking
Discovered AuthorsAn interesting concept, but not particularly eye-catching. William Heinemann : St Martin Press : Book Club Associates : Arrow PaperbackI detest this cover. The woman is badly drawn, the detail is inaccurate and it does not reflect the characters. Callio BooksWhile the concept was good, the artwork and design would have been more appropriate for a children's book. Discovered AuthorsAn original concept by Avalon Graphics designed for an edition published by Discovered Authors.
  SilverWood BooksThe current cover
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Sourcebooks Inc USA editionA nice-ish cover, but the sword and shield are the wrong period.
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Arrow BooksAn acceptable, nice cover
~ Pendragon's Banner Trilogy
    Pendragon's Banner
Discovered AuthorsA good concept, but this is a free stock image, and I have seen it used several times on other covers. Arrow PaperbackI quite liked this cover Callio BooksSomewhat "cartoonish" and therefore not so suitable for an adult historical fiction novel. Callio BooksDesigned for me by Avalon Graphics - with slight changes this cover has been retained for the latest edition published by SilverWood Books
  SilverWood BooksThe current cover
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Sourcebooks Inc USA editionWhile a striking cover, I am not keen on the person - a little bit too much like The Man In The Iron Mask?
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William HeinemannThe basic "scenery" for this cover was from my own, rather inept drawing, as the original artwork depicted a landscape more suitable to the Highlands of Scotland, not the flat expanse of the Somerset levels. The horse and people are not particularly well drawn, in my opinion.
~ Pendragon's Banner Trilogy
    Shadow of the King
Discovered AuthorsAnother free stock image slightly adapted to fit the historical period. A good concept, but far too dark to be eye-catching. Arrow PaperbackAnother nice cover, but it could portray a travel guide book; it doesn't exactly convey "historical fiction about King Arthur". Callio BooksAgain, too cartoonish. Callio BooksDesigned for me by Avalon Graphics
SilverWood BooksThe current cover
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Sourcebooks Inc USA editionI like this cover. A pity the sword is not right for the period - and the white dragon on the shield is a Saxon English emblem, so not really appropriate for King Arthur/Roman British.
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William HeinemannAn acceptable painting of Glastonbury Tor and three of the prominent female characters.
~ Saxon Series
    Harold the King / I Am The Chosen King
Discovered Authors & Callio BooksAn impressive cover. Sourcebooks Inc USA editionI like this cover, I think it's quite evocative.
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SilverWood BooksCover designed by Avalon Graphics, photo courtesy '1066 the Movie' (Tiger Films PLC). I love this cover - the photograph was taken at a re-enactment of the Battle of Hastings on the site of Battle Abbey, Sussex, England Arrow paperbackA lovely scene, although not depicting a book sub-titled "the events that led to the Battle of Hastings". I wonder, also, why it has a Norman Castle when there were no similar buildings in England prior to 1066 and the book is very much from the English point of view?
William HeinemannAn interesting cover, but why the mountains? Harold was more connected with flattish Wessex than with a notably hilly area.
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Avalon GraphicsPromotional image and featured art.
~ Saxon Series
    A Hollow Crown / The Forever Queen
William Heinemann & Arrow Paperback Taken from a contemporary portrait of Queen Emma and her sons, Harthacnut and Edward (from the Encomium Emmæ: British Library.) Authentic, but not very interesting.   Sourcebooks Inc USA edition I like the atmosphere of this cover, with it's misty background, but dislike the woman who appears to be squat and dumpy, and walking in her nightdress in a field. Would prefer to have used my own marketing material image...
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Avalon Graphics...My daughter Kathy, posing as Queen Emma.
~ Child Safety
    Come and Tell Me
Special EditionPublished by HMSO for use as an official UK Government safety book. Happy Cat booksArtwork by Lynda Knott.
~ The Sea Witch Voyages
    Sea Witch
Early draft Callio BooksEarly conceptual design by Avalon Graphics. small Discovered AuthorsThemed painting - look for the image hidden in the clouds. final SilverWood BooksThe current cover.  
~ The Sea Witch Voyages
    Pirate Code
Callio BooksCathy Helms' husband posed for Jesamiah(with a few added details!) and the bars were photo-shopped over a stock-image picture. small Discovered AuthorsAnother amateur-drawn cover by my sister. SilverWood BooksSpot the changes.  
~ The Sea Witch Voyages
    Bring It Close
BICfinal Callio BooksFor some reason the printing made this one somewhat purplish.   BICearly Discovered AuthorsA pleasing but amateur-drawn design, painted by my sister, Margaret.  
BICfull SilverWood BooksSpot the changes! The colouring is of a higher quality, and Cathy Helms (designer, Avalon Graphics) and I decided that Jesamiah's father, Captain Charles Mereno (Cathy's husband posing) would be better on the front cover, with Tiola (modelled by a good friend, Anne,) moved from the far bank on the front to the back cover,so that she could be seen better. The original background photo on the front is of the River Taw, Devon, taken by Simon Murgatroyd. Incidentally I now live within walking distance of the Taw at Umberleigh, Devon.
~ The Sea Witch Voyages
    Ripples in the Sand
RISearly Unpublished Web artInitial design used for web-page book announcement. RISfinal SilverWood BooksEarly edition of this conceptual art. RISfull SilverWood BooksOriginal photo taken by Simon Murgatroyd, with Anne again posing as Tiola. This is the final version: compare to a couple of the original designs.